These penalties allow the Gods to recover certain losses, such as energy spent in large scale hit, and allow those who unfairly suffered losses to be more than compensated. And when I say more than compensated, chump, it is a serious understatement. All the assets you would normally have had after you die will go to everyone you owe, for a vast period of time. Fucking with or rising up against the very Gods in the face of fact and evidence that proves that is exactly what you are doing is the ultimate fuckup, not some bullshit slap on the wrist affair. Even if you never witnessed hit, what I invented was proof enough. The facts are the facts, and your being too retarded to follow the facts does not alter the facts. In a case where there is no intelligence for the Gods to judge, attitude will be judged.
Spiritual servitude is a way for myself, the very Gods, and others who lose or lost what they do not deserve as a direct or even secondary or tertiary result of your moronic faggot bullshit to gain appreciable substance from an otherwise lost cause. In other words, even for you worthless retarded ass, there can actually be some useful purpose in the universe. The spiritual interface is limited, and mostly useless, but your retardedness isn't. Your spiritual assets can compensate for the weakness of the interface when it comes to determining the Gods getting what they want, or at least something as valuable.
Even someone as stupid, retarded, dense, lame, and moronic as you should be able to realize that this won't change after you die. You will still care about your descendants. In fact, a God will be even more pissed off, because the spiritual interface is not strong enough to allow intervention, and there is nothing the God can do about it at that time. However, later the punishment is 20000 times worse when the maggot dies and finally meets that God. "You're in my world now, chump, saith the Gods".
There are vast numbers of Gods, and the vast majority of them did not come from this palsy planet, but from others similar to it. This is an important point. It figures into the mathematics of spiritual servitude, and into the motivations of the Gods in making you owe it.
The Gods have forgotten more than man can ever know, but in fact the spiritual world stores the complete memories of everyone who has ever existed.
No technology exists here on this palsy planet that the Gods haven't witnessed billions of times before on trillions of other palsy rocks similar to this one. There are a 100 billion suns in this galaxy, and a 100 billion galaxies in that part of the universe that man can see with telescopes, each having an average of 100 billion suns.
If you really want to consider some serious shit, learn Bode's law. Do it later.
For now, consider that I came up with the proof of life after death by the laws of physics, 53 years after it was possible to do so. You haven't seen anyone else jump up, least of all the church. For supposedly being in touch with the spiritual world, they seem to be pretty ignorant about that interesting fact. I would think that having proof of life after death in hand would be a useful thing, if one is trying to convince people of the existence of a spiritual afterlife...
The scientific database contained all the required information 53 years ago, when the bombs were dropped on Japan. It takes me to finally figure it out.
I told you before, I have a spiritual goal to be an inventor.
Then there's oil. I figure out a way to end foreign oil imports, and the oxygen concentrator effectively triples the world's remaining oil reserves. (The estimates showed about 35 years worth of oil remaining, so now there can be 105 years worth).
Even though I figure out how to end foreign oil imports, this wouldn't even hurt the lame Arabs, if they would get off their ass and implement another of my ideas, the large scale machine that travels through the desert, feeds itself sand, melts the sand, and extrudes 5 story glass structures behind it as it travels along.
Take a bowling ball, and throw it at some glass privacy bricks you can buy at a large building supply store. You know the kind, 4 inch by 4 inch, they let light through but you can't see through them. These are only 1/4 inch thick, not 12 or 16 inches thick, and they are not formulated as structural glass. It is doubtful you will break one of these with a bowling ball... A 1/2 inch thick glass picture tube in a TV set or computer monitor contains a near vacuum, and holds back a pressure differential about the equal to a submarine at a depth of 300 meters. A depth of 200 meters would crush the hull of a WWII submarine. Nevertheless, one can go to the city dump and take one of the many 25 inch console television, and pick it up and drop it onto its face repeatedly from a height of 2 feet onto a big rock, and not break the picture tube. I know, because I have tried it. After 10 attempts I gave up.
This technology would allow the Arabs to have hydroponic gardens that rivaled the crop output of the State of Iowa. The Russians have vast stores of raw materials. Iron, Aluminum, Copper, etc... The Russians also have severe food shortages. The Arabs have sever raw materials shortages, but could have vast amounts of food to trade.
The perfect trading arrangement, and the Arabs would still be happy with it long after the oil had run out. I ought to get the Nobel Prize for that, and I have to deal with your faggot bullshit...
I don't see your lame ass jumping up, or anyone else jumping up, and coming up with advances like these.
I have come up with multi-billion dollar technologies, multi-million dollar technologies, and technologies that have a vast social improvement value, that can eliminate a lot of human pain and suffering.
The facts say I am right about having the spiritual goal as an inventor, and that I have made considerable progress in this goal.
The Gods have made their opinion to it all obvious more than once, and are likely to again. In a feud between you and the Gods, you will lose. Rise up against the Gods in the face of evidence that even hints that that is what you are doing, and you will have fucked up in ways you don't even want to have to consider. This also goes for the rest of your lame asses.
Any time you make the mistake of incurring one of these penalties, you are guaranteed to screw yourself over to at least some minimum degree, and there will be no hope of ever reducing the minimum that gets inflicted on your lame ass beyond this minimum. The minimum goes up every time your lame ass pulls your faggot bullshit.
The Bible says that blasphemy is the only unforgivable
sin. All other religions make similar or identical assertions.
Any government retard who makes the mistake of pulling their faggot bullshit
has obviously made the ultimate fuckup: to swear an oath before the very
Gods to uphold the law and the Constitution to the best of their ability,
and then turning around and shitting all over the law, the Constitution,
their oath before God or the Gods, and the very Gods themselves and all
their descendants. I still have a spiritual potential as an inventor,
but even if I had used it all up, in the face of there being no proof that
it has been, every time you stand in my way without compensating me for
what loss in progress or resources you caused me causes a delay and a reduction
in the implementation, or you had the gall to attempt to rob the very Gods
of finding out whether there was any left or not.
As many atoms as exist in the known universe, that many years of spiritual servitude per unit of offense, owed to me, and owed to anyone whoever lost or loses anything they didn't deserve to lose in any spiritual attack that occurred or occurs that is associated with either myself or my replacement, or as a direct or indirect result of your moronic retarded bullshit. This include any of the Gods who lose the potential of having a descendant here, or have the potential of their descendants reduced in any way by such attacks. In addition, any of the Gods spend energy on or who successfully participate in such attacks will also be owed the same amount. Also, for any of your lame asses the Gods consider to be a valid target, after I die, your total penalty is factored every minute you exist after I die until by replacement gets your lame ass, to a maximum of 50 million iterations or seconds. If I die before I turn 90 years old, any penalty that incurs by the second continues until the date I would have reached the age of 90.
Now maybe the Gods will be more lenient with your lame ass than this. This just ensures that there will be a very large amount owed. The actual amount owed will likely be smaller than this.
The number of years you will owe is nowhere near as important as what shit you will have to endure spiritually. I'd keep this to a minimum, if I was you. While you still exist here, there can be improvement in your position in terms of leniency.
Spiritual attack via large or small scale hit is a palsy microscopic joke in comparison to the other weapons for fucking over deserving lamers and retards that the Gods possess in their arsenal. Spiritual attack is not impressive, even if the Gods were to destroy almost the entire planet like the last time.
Reincarnation, on the other hand, is some truly impressive shit, and gets your lame ass truly hideous suffering, not just for a few seconds like it is hit spiritual attack. The Gods might well start out by making your lame ass relive the entire history of the suffering of man. The Gods are no one to fuck with, asshole. The fact you dream at night means you are capable of creating a reality out of pure energy and then living inside of it. Spiritual attack proves that the Gods are capable of altering some dickhead's reality in a manner the lameass does not approve of or desire.
Large scale hit having gone on though, doesn't even begin to remotely approximate the capacity of the Gods to become pissed off, or deal someone's lame ass who pissed them off. If you have to go through some unpleasant shit, you'd be wise to keep it to a minimum.
You wouldn't have thought I would be right about having a spiritual goal to be an inventor, but I was. You wouldn't have thought I would be right about large scale hit, but I was. You wouldn't have thought I could prove the existence of the gods of prove life after death, but I did.
You can believe that I am mistaken about the spiritual servitude, but the odds don't exactly favor your fool position, chump. You might think that theory outranks demonstrated fact, but I assure you it doesn't.
Intentionally or knowingly causing pain or suffering
to any female I showed interest in, or a member of my family
In this case, there will be a part of your servitude set aside for you to exist in a specific reality. Whatever the total number of years you end up owing, it will be that many of each type of animal ever known to exist in the known universe capable of inflicting death upon beings like man.
You get to be eaten alive, gored to death, stomped to death, infected to death, strangled to death, and so on and so forth, until all of the animals have been used up, reliving the experiences of all those beings that had happened to.
I wouldn't do it if I was you.
Fucking with me, or anything that is mine
I need no device, and I need no proximity. I will point out that if you still manage to attract my attention, I may reach out and punt your lame ass off the face of the planet. If I do, it will be without any device, regardless of where your lame ass might be found.
Whatever gets fucked with, the penalty is for the largest part of that item. For example, if you fuck with something inside my house, you fuck with my entire house.
The standard penalty times the number of atoms contained in whatever it is you make the mistake of fucking with.
For sound or ultrasound, intentionally or knowingly used as an irritation, the standard penalty times ten orders of magnitude of the original frequency. This (sound) ought to concern any religious scam chump lame ass musicians or their associates...
Use of chemicals
Putting someone else up to something that incurs a penalty is the same as having committed it yourself.
In some cases, failing to notify someone that there are penalties when you know they are committing or planning on committing an offense is the same as having committed it yourself.
In some cases, where government employees or certain others know of illegal activities that incur penalties, and fail to stop such activities when they have the means, is the same as having committed the offense themselves.
Certain penalties have a part of their duration set aside for a specific purpose.
For example, for any fool who rose up against me in the last eight months or so, in any way that negatively affected my financial or social interests, for every day I am without acceptable female company, they will be without it for 5000 years if this palsy scene works out OK, and for 50,000,000 years for each day if it does not.
For electromagnetic shit, if I remember right it was having to relive the Bataan death march 5000 times for each prisoner who walked it for every minute that shit goes on, if this palsy scene works out, and 50,000,000 times for each one if it does not. I might throw in a few 'failed German tank campaign against the Russians during the nasty Russian winter' experiences, should the mood strike me.
I have recently decided that for each instance of anyone interfering with any of my correspondence, in either direction, the minimum set-aside of the penalty will be for the fool to endure all suffering man has ever experienced in the history of this palsy planet.
I forget some of these, but they are no less valid if they are not listed here. There aren't too many of these, and they are more than reasonable (as compared to what can be).
If you fuck with me, and it affects me appreciably in any negative way, you will likely end up knowing every nook, cranny, and dust mote in Aushwitz, Buchenwald, and Treblinka, far better than the millions of Jews that died there, and maybe even better than Adolph Hitler will end up knowing.
This isn't just you fucking with me, it's you fucking with the Gods in the face of evidence that strongly indicates, and in some cases, shows beyond doubt, that that is exactly what you are doing.
I know you're dense and all, but get a clue, moron.
Just remember that fucking with the Gods makes any other way you could fuck up spiritually look like some kind of palsy joke in comparison, and you'll be much better off.