Bode's law dictates the diameter of planet's orbit's around their sun, based on the mass of the sun. It first comes into play when a new solar system is forming.
Massive supercomputer simulations were done, to see if planets really did condense out of a cloud of plasma in the formation of a solar system.
The experiment verified that this did indeed occur. Later, someone noticed that the simulated planets had lined up according to Bode's law.
I have never seen Bode's law, as I have read about it in astronomy books, considered in the following way, and I have read quite a few astronomy books.
However, in all these books, I haven't seen anyone else notice what Bode's law actually does. All of those who wrote about it seem to have missed the point, and have considerd Bode's law nothing but a bizarre and somewhat useless mathematical oddity.
Bode's law is based on the mass of a sun. It is a simple mathematical formula, If I remember right, 1,2,3,5,8,13,21, or something similar.
1,2. Add 1 and 2. This makes 3. Now the series is 1,2,3. Again take the last two numbers of the series and add them. This is 5. 1,2,3,5. Repeating this pattern results in the correct series.
The mass of the sun determines the value of 1, where the standard 1 is the actual diameter of the innermost planet's orbit. In Our solar system, Mercury is at 1, Venus at 2, Earth at 3, Mars at 5, the Asteroid belt at 8, Jupiter at 13, etc..
If one were to represent our sun by a circle 1/20th of an inch in diameter, there are suns in this galaxy that measure 20 feet in diameter on the same scale, blue-white supergiant suns.
These suns make our sun look like a palsy joke in comparison, in terms of both size and radiation output (light, heat, x-rays, etc...). These suns fuse oxygen or carbon or beryllium, not the simple hydrogen our own puny sun uses.
But if Bode's law is applied to these suns, regardless of how much larger and hotter they are, you can see something truly interesting if you look close enough.
The larger a sun is, the larger the actual value the standard 1 will have, that dictates the size of the diameter of the innermost planet's orbit. The larger the sun is, the larger this diameter will be. The larger this diameter is, the larger the diameter of the other planet's orbits will be.
If you don't follow this, an inch is a standard value of 1. A mile is an accepted standard value for an initial size of 1. 1 mile is 1 mile, regardless of how many feet it has in it. If the standard changed, and a mile became half the size it now is, one mile would still be one mile, although the speed limit would be 110 rather than 55. You can have one apple or one planet. Regardless of how much larger than an apple a planet is, it is still one planet.
Since the size of the diameter of the innermost planet's orbit in Bode's law is based on the mass of that sun, this means that there will always be one, usually two, and sometimes three planets in the temperate zone that will support life as we know it.
Figure out what that likely means...
In our own solar system, Mars could easily support life if it had an oxygen and carbon dioxide atmosphere. Venus could also support life if it had such an atmosphere.
Unfortunately, there is far too much carbon dioxide on Venus and not enough of either oxygen or carbon dioxide on Mars. The temperature on Venus is hot enough to melt lead, but this is because it has a very thick almost pure carbon dioxide atmosphere, and the greenhouse effect associated with that CO2. The temperature on Mars gets up to 50 degrees Farenheit sometimes, and would get a lot hotter if there was more CO2 to capture the sun's heat.
Either planet could be terraformed if man had the technology and the resources to do it, and would then support as many of us as wanted to move there.
Who knows, if man can keep the Gods from terraforming the Earth, he might end up doing it someday...