; Here is a decent anti-spam script, with a few modifications by [FekLar]. Replace any instance of [FekLar] below with your ; own main nickname. To load this script, type /load -rs spamblock.mrc, or go to Alt-Tools->Remote and load the script from ; there. This script will take the vast majority of incoming spam, keep it from opening a new query window, and display the text ; in your status window instead (in case it might be something worth looking at, or something legitimate) ; ; Lately, some unknown IRC hacker scum have taken to massive spamming that opens up like 250 new query windows, and ; this script provides a decent defense. It also provides a decent defense against being flooded off IRC by your own CTCP ; replies during a CTCP attack. ; ; THis script is gret because it doesn't message the spammer when you get spammed like most do, which leavies you open to ; flood attacks (you get spam flodded, and your broken anit-spam script sends enough spam replies to flood you off IRC). ; Also, the spam gets sent to your status window, so on the rare occassion it makes an error and mistakenly rejects a legitimate ; message as being spam, the message is not lost, and can be seen in the status window. All you have to do is scroll through ; the status window to see what's there every once in a while, which is something you should be doing anyway. ; ; SpR 8.4 has code to tell a user that types a @find request in a query window, but it doesn't work right, and I was getting ; @find and file trigger requests in query windows all the time. This script fixes that. You might want to leave the mp3 tutorial ; reference intact, but you should remove the "Ptaak" text and replace it with something of your own. This script refers the user ; to a help site, tells them to type their request in the channel, and keeps you from having to see and close the query window. ; ; This also works on file requests posted in queries, but for this to work, you have to go to Alt-File->Options-Sounds->Requests ; and uncheck "Listen for !nick file get requests". This doesnt disable SpR, because SpR already lsitens for those requests ; internally, rather than through Mirc. This only disables Mirc's own internal monitoring, which is useless anyway to SpR. ; ; If you fail to disable this, the only result will be that if someone types !Yournick filename.mp3 in a query window instead of in the ; channel like they are supposed to, you will see [Theirnick GET] filename.mp3 in your status window, the default mirc behavior, and ; no advice as to how to do it right will be sent to the user. Mirc will intercept the get request, and SpR never sees it. ; ; Of couse, if you are running another file server script alongside SpR in the same Mirc, it might be better to leave this checked. ; ; If you do disable "Listen for !nick file get requests", then the user will get sent advice to paste their request in the channel, and ; instead of seeing [Theirnick GET] filename.mp3 in your status window you will see something like ; redrider1 sent file request ![FekLar] (The_Who)-08-Squeeze_Box.mp3 in your status window. Seeing this means that a user typed ; ![FekLar] (The_Who)-08-Squeeze_Box.mp3 in a query window instead of the channel where they are supposed to, and the script ; sent them advice to paste that in the channel, and referred them to the mp3 tutorial page. ; ; If you are viewing this script from the mp3 tutorial web page, first save this page as \mirc\spamblock.mrc. ; ; You do not need to edit out these comment lines. See the ; at the beginning of the line? Mirc ignores lines that begin with ; ; ; Feel free to read and modify this script to suit your own tastes. ; on 1:load: { if ($version != 5.82) { echo -s You need mIRC 5.41 or above to run this file. | unload -rs spamblock.mrc | halt } else { set %temp $$?!="Do you wish to enable Spam Block now?" if ($! == $true) { unset %temp | .enable #Spam.Block | set %spam.on [On] | set %spam.off Off | echo -s Spam Block Enabled | halt } if ($! == $false) { unset %temp | .disable #Spam.Block | set %spam.on On | set %spam.off Off | echo -s Spam Block Disabled | halt } } } #Spam.Block on on *:OPEN:?: { if (www isin $strip($1-)) { close -m $nick | echo -s $upper($nick) tried to spam with $1- | halt } if (http isin $strip($1-)) { .close -m $nick | echo -s $upper($nick) tried to spam with $1- | halt } if (§mµ®f isin $strip($1-)) { .close -m $nick | echo -s $upper($nick) tried to spam with $1- | halt } if (away isin $strip($1-)) { .close -m $nick | halt } if (---------- isin $strip($1-)) { .close -m $nick | halt } if (flood isin $strip($1-)) { .close -m $nick | halt } if (server isin $strip($1-)) { .close -m $nick | halt } if (script isin $strip($1-)) { .close -m $nick | halt } if (click isin $strip($1-)) { .close -m $nick | halt } ; if (sex isin $strip($1-)) { close -m $nick | echo -s $upper($nick) tried to spam with $1- | halt } if (porn isin $strip($1-)) { close -m $nick | echo -s $upper($nick) tried to spam with $1- | halt } if (ftp isin $strip($1-)) { close -m $nick | echo -s $upper($nick) tried to spam with $1- | halt } if (cash isin $strip($1-)) { close -m $nick | echo -s $upper($nick) tried to spam with $1- | halt } if (800 isin $strip($1-)) { close -m $nick | echo -s $upper($nick) tried to spam with $1- | halt } if (888 isin $strip($1-)) { close -m $nick | echo -s $upper($nick) tried to spam with $1- | halt } if (900 isin $strip($1-)) { close -m $nick | echo -s $upper($nick) tried to spam with $1- | halt } if (spam isin $strip($1-)) { close -m $nick | echo -s $upper($nick) tried to spam with $1- | halt } if (virus isin $strip($1-)) { close -m $nick | echo -s $upper($nick) tried to spam with $1- | halt } if (invite isin $strip($1-)) { close -m $nick | echo -s $upper($nick) tried to spam with $1- | halt } if (join isin $strip($1-)) { close -m $nick | echo -s $upper($nick) tried to spam with $1- | halt } if (ignore isin $strip($1-)) { close -m $nick | echo -s $upper($nick) tried to spam with $1- | halt } if (fuck isin $strip($1-)) { close -m $nick | echo -s $upper($nick) tried to spam with $1- | halt } ; if ($chr(35) isin $strip($1-)) && ($comchan($nick,1) !isin $1-) { close -m $nick | echo -s $upper($nick) tried to spam with $1- | halt } if ($chr(35) isin $strip($1-)) { close -m $nick | echo -s $upper($nick) tried to spam with $1- | halt } if ($chr(36) isin $strip($1-)) { close -m $nick | echo -s $upper($nick) tried to spam with $1- | halt } ; $chr(35) is pound sign # $chr(36) is dollar sign $ ; its better to leave $chr(33) the exclamation point ! alone ...... or SpR might not work right ; ; -------- SpR section ----------- if ($window(@SpR.Find) == $null) { window -hl @SpR.Find } if (dir == $1) { close -m $nick| /ignore -pu5 on $nick | echo -s $nick sent $1- | aline @SpR.Find spr_msg $nick 11,1Ptaak: 15,2 Use8 @find songname or @locator songname 4in the channel # 15to find a file. | aline @SpR.Find spr_msg $nick 0,1Go to http://rjnpages.tripod.com/mp3tutor/mp3page.htm for [FekLar]'s IRC downloading tutorial. | halt } if (@find == $1) { close -m $nick| /ignore -pu15 on $nick | echo -s $nick sent $1- | aline @SpR.Find spr_msg $nick 11,1Ptaak: 15,2 Paste your request in8 the Channel 15to find a file. | aline @SpR.Find spr_msg $nick 0,1Go to http://rjnpages.tripod.com/mp3tutor/mp3page.htm for [FekLar]'s IRC downloading tutorial. | halt } if (list isin $1) { close -m $nick| /ignore -pu15 on $nick | echo -s $nick sent $1- | aline @SpR.Find spr_msg $nick 11,1Ptaak: 15,2 Paste your request in8 the Channel 15to find a file. | aline @SpR.Find spr_msg $nick 0,1Go to http://rjnpages.tripod.com/mp3tutor/mp3page.htm for [FekLar]'s IRC downloading tutorial. | halt } if (@locator == $1) { close -m $nick| /ignore -pu15 on $nick | echo -s $nick sent $1- | aline @SpR.Find spr_msg $nick 11,1Ptaak: 15,2 Paste your request in8 the Channel 15to find a file. | aline @SpR.Find spr_msg $nick 0,1Go to http://rjnpages.tripod.com/mp3tutor/mp3page.htm for [FekLar]'s IRC downloading tutorial. | halt } if ((@ isin $1-) && ($me isin $1-) && (mp3 isin $1-)) { close -m $nick| /ignore -pu5 on $nick | echo -s $nick sent list request $1- | aline @SpR.Find spr_msg $nick 11,1Ptaak: 15,2 Paste your request in8 the Channel 15to Request my list. | aline @SpR.Find spr_msg $nick 0,1Go to http://rjnpages.tripod.com/mp3tutor/mp3page.htm for [FekLar]'s IRC downloading tutorial. | halt } if ((! isin $1-) && ($me isin $1-) && (mp3 isin $1-)) { close -m $nick| /ignore -pu5 on $nick | echo -s $nick sent file request $1- | aline @SpR.Find spr_msg $nick 11,1Ptaak: 15,2 Paste your request in8 the Channel 15to Request a File. | aline @SpR.Find spr_msg $nick 0,1Go to http://rjnpages.tripod.com/mp3tutor/mp3page.htm for [FekLar]'s IRC downloading tutorial. | halt } ; if (@ $+ $me] isin $1-) { close -m $nick| /ignore -pu5 on $nick | echo -s $nick sent list request $1- | aline @SpR.Find spr_msg $nick 11,1Ptaak: 15,2 Paste your request in8 the Channel 15to Request my list. 0,1Go to rjnpages.tripod.com/mp3tutor/mp3page.htm for [FekLar]'s IRC downloading tutorial. | halt } ; if (! $+ $me] isin $1-) { close -m $nick| /ignore -pu5 on $nick | echo -s $nick sent file request $1- | aline @SpR.Find spr_msg $nick 11,1Ptaak: 15,2 Paste your request in8 the Channel 15to Request a File. 0,1Go to rjnpages.tripod.com/mp3tutor/mp3page.htm for [FekLar]'s IRC downloading tutorial. | halt } else { goto end } :end } ctcp 1:get:*:/echo CTCP $1- ;ctcp 1:*:*:/echo CTCP $1 $2 $3 ctcp 1:time:*:/halt ctcp 1:ping:*:/halt ; remove this line if you want to answer PING requests. ctcp 1:version:*:/halt ctcp 1:finger:*:/halt ;on 1:CTCPREPLY:*:/echo CTCPREPLY $1 on 1:CTCPREPLY:MP3*:/halt on 1:CTCPREPLY:SLOTS*:/halt on 1:CTCPREPLY:AWAY*:/halt on 1:CTCPREPLY:*:/halt ;echo CTCPREPLY $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 ;echo ptaak slots reply raw 301:*: /halt ; codes: raw 301 is away message: see codes at the pairirc site on the web. ; I don't like to see away messages scroll my status window, but if you do then remove or modify the raw 301 line. #Spam.Block end menu menubar { - Spam Block .%spam.on:spam.on .%spam.off:spam.off .- .About:echo -s Spam Blocker by BlUe-AnD-wHiTe-SpOnGe <#HelpDesk auto voice> | halt .Advertise:ame $chr(3) $+ 01 is using the $chr(3) $+ 10 $+ Spam Blocker Addon $+ $chr(3) $+ 01 made by BlUe-AnD-wHiTe-SpOnGe - } alias spam.on { if (%spam.on == [On]) { echo -s Spam Block is alrleady ON | halt } set %spam.on [On] | set %spam.off Off | .enable #Spam.Block | echo -s Spam Block Enabled | halt } alias spam.off { if (%spam.off == [Off]) { echo -s Spam Block is alrleady OFF | halt } set %spam.on On | set %spam.off [Off] | .disable #Spam.Block | echo -s Spam Block Disabled | halt }